Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back from Texas!

Hey guys!

Texas was really fun! For those of you who don't remember, I drove to Texas for a week to perform with my group Quaint Little Coffee shop at The Austin Out of Bounds Coemdy Festival. We all grew really close during the trip and were SUPER-PSYCHED for our show by the time it came around. The trip itself was also hilarious and fun, and I'm sure you will continue to read about it here in the form of longer essays for some time to come.

Right now, I will give you this one insight. There was an improv group performing at this festival called The Weisenheimers. We did not get to see their show, as we had to leave a few days prior, and have not ever seen weisenheimer perform. So, this paragraph is not in any way a comment on the actual group, The Weisenheimers. But we thought this was a hilarious name for a group and began to create characters similating what we thought a group like this wold be like. On the way home, after driving for 23 hours and struggling for ways to waste time, Lou and I ended up improvising a 40-minute long radio show as The Weisenheimer characters we had concocted. Afterward, we realised we had basically just done another full improv set. And this was probably my favorite improv I'd done in a while. Long road trips affect everyone in different ways, and I guess this is how it affects us.

Another reason I am proud of this trip is that I succeeded in my goal of writing a sketch every day during it. Actually more. I have eleven new sketches. Some of them shitty. Some of them good. Upon my return to Jersey Saturday night, I discovered an event called "Sketch Writing Month in September" between comics in the New York area. So I resolved to continue my writing kick through December and will hopefully have over 40 brand new sketches by the end of this month!

I hesitate to post sketches on this sight right now, for copywright reasons. Also, many of them are in my notebook and not yet typed up. But, if anyone would like to swap sketches to read or just offer me some feedback on a couple, please feel free to email me at gulyacomedy@yahoo.com!

Also, I am on another kick currently as well. A comic book reading one! After finishing Alan Moore's great "The Watchmen" I have read two Batman books: Moore's The Killing joke, and Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. If anyone wants to talk about these, please contact me as well.

That is all. Thank you for reading this. I sincerely appreciate it.

Brandon Gulya

1 comment:

Les B. Starkley said...

Hey I was also at the Austin Out of Bounds festival. I perform with 88improv. The wisenhimers (i can't spell their name) are from omaha and that is where our group is from too. You must have performed earlier in the week if you left before their set. We were friday night. Anyway i saw that we both listed impro as a fav. book. that's how i stumbled across your blog. check mine out if you like it's called Les's Daily Conspiracy. It's mean to be funny. Les is a character that i created. My name is nate. anyway keep up the good work.