Monday, August 18, 2008

The Watchmen Follow-up

A segment from Brandon Gulya's Journal 8/18/08

Finished The Watchmen recently. Was good. Would have posted sooner. Was busy. Liked Rorschach best. Lots of personallity. Good features. Admire him. Can't wiat for movie version. Hope they don't ruin it like ruined X-Men. Doing lots of comedy and class stuff lately. Work too. Worked nine hours at Panera today. Very tired. Man came in, didn't like his face. Going out tonight. Will be even more tired. If you get the joke of this blog, you are equally as awesome and loveably dorkish as I am.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Watchmen

Is fucking good. I'm a third of the way through. More on this to come.

Also I got signed to do two pretty big stand-up shows in September.

The first is a cool show at Carolines in NY on Sept 22nd. It's a 7PM show and is only $5. I actually really need people to come to this, so if you're interested let me know! You need to reserve a couple weeks in advance to get the $5 price.

The second is a comedy contest at the Street Road Bar and Grill on Sept 30th. The winner will recieve five hundred dollars. It also seems like a really sweet deal and I would highly recommend you attend even if I weren't in it. Check out these sweet audience perks:
1. Free buffet
2. 2 dollar everything in the bar. 2 dollar beers. 2 dollar margaritas. 2 dollar Long Island ice teas! THE WORKS!
3. First 100 people get a free t-shirt
4. Door prizes! DVDs! TVs!
5. Tickets are just 7 bucks!

All for now. I'm glad we had this talk. You were sexy at it.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Colbert 2 plus other stuff

Hey Dudes and Duddresses,

So, as promised, I'm going to elaborate on Colbert a little. He's an awesome dude. Sahil and I were wondering wheather he would be in character for the entire proccess even in between segments and stuff, which I thought would be cool. He wasn't, which I thought was equally as cool. We got to see him just be a normal guy and you know what? He's just as funny as his character is. He did a Q&A session and he took my question, which was, "When you were studdying improvisation in chicago who were your favorite people to work with and study with?" He gave me a list of names, Del Close among others. Sahil said my question was the smartest question.

On a show I did sunday night I met this dude who makes $3,000 a show a semester playing different colleges, and does about fifteen shows a semester. That's $90,000 a year. Take away cuts for his manager and agent and taxes and such, and that's still over $60,000. That's doesn't exactly make him a high teir comedian, but I would be so happy doing that. He gets to play lots of cool crowds every year and make a living off of it. Plus, he can do whatever he wants in the summer. A got into a conversation with him and he told me how he tried doing bringers and stuff in NY for a while (which I've done) and found it a waste of time. And then his manager found him at some festival, and got him this gig. Pretty sweet. He watched my set and laughed. I hope he needs an opener one day and calls me. Even though he doesn't have my number.

IMPORTANT SENTENCE: My group QLCS is performing at Del Close a week from tomorrow.

I'll remind you guys (Sahil and maybe Dave?) about it a bunch this week. If you've happened to stumble upon my blog, even if you've never seen me do comedy before, you should come out for this show. 3:30 PM at the Hudson Guild Theatre in NYC.

Also, I can't believe I haven't posted about this yet, The Dark Knight is absolutely amazing! It completely re-defines how you feel about super heroes. This is my list of my favorite movies so far this year:

The Dark Knight
Forgetting Sarah Marshal

That's it, Guys and Guydresses.
