Friday, August 1, 2008

Colbert 2 plus other stuff

Hey Dudes and Duddresses,

So, as promised, I'm going to elaborate on Colbert a little. He's an awesome dude. Sahil and I were wondering wheather he would be in character for the entire proccess even in between segments and stuff, which I thought would be cool. He wasn't, which I thought was equally as cool. We got to see him just be a normal guy and you know what? He's just as funny as his character is. He did a Q&A session and he took my question, which was, "When you were studdying improvisation in chicago who were your favorite people to work with and study with?" He gave me a list of names, Del Close among others. Sahil said my question was the smartest question.

On a show I did sunday night I met this dude who makes $3,000 a show a semester playing different colleges, and does about fifteen shows a semester. That's $90,000 a year. Take away cuts for his manager and agent and taxes and such, and that's still over $60,000. That's doesn't exactly make him a high teir comedian, but I would be so happy doing that. He gets to play lots of cool crowds every year and make a living off of it. Plus, he can do whatever he wants in the summer. A got into a conversation with him and he told me how he tried doing bringers and stuff in NY for a while (which I've done) and found it a waste of time. And then his manager found him at some festival, and got him this gig. Pretty sweet. He watched my set and laughed. I hope he needs an opener one day and calls me. Even though he doesn't have my number.

IMPORTANT SENTENCE: My group QLCS is performing at Del Close a week from tomorrow.

I'll remind you guys (Sahil and maybe Dave?) about it a bunch this week. If you've happened to stumble upon my blog, even if you've never seen me do comedy before, you should come out for this show. 3:30 PM at the Hudson Guild Theatre in NYC.

Also, I can't believe I haven't posted about this yet, The Dark Knight is absolutely amazing! It completely re-defines how you feel about super heroes. This is my list of my favorite movies so far this year:

The Dark Knight
Forgetting Sarah Marshal

That's it, Guys and Guydresses.


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